Analysis Listen to the extracts from The Surgery and Life Hacks above and answer the following questions: 1) What do the titles The Surgery and Life Hacks suggest? -"The Surgery" suggests the dissection of something, suggesting that the radio show "dissects" and breaks down the issues of young people today, which is what is discussed during the show. - "Life Hacks" suggests that the radio show is revolved around discussing how to take shortcuts and avoid issues in life 2) How are the programmes constructed to appeal to a youth audience? Interviewing/Vox Popping fellow students/young people so that target audience feel more engaged and connected Referencing relevant topics e.g. student loans/University Background music- pace and genre is suited to a youth audience (upbeat, energetic, etc.) Presenter legitimises and sympathises with young people's concerns; this is reinforced through the mental health focus Content is directed by aud...