BBFC: Age Certificates

1) Research the BBFC in more detail: what is the institution responsible for? How is it funded? What link does it have to government?

The BBFC is responsible for giving films and TV shows their certificate so that the people of the right demographic are watching the film. It does not work with the government to classify films and is funded privately for non-profitably reasons and purely as a service.

2) Read this BBFC guide to how films are rated. Summarise the process in 50 words.

The people who review the films and provide a recommended certificate are called "Compliance Officers." These people sometimes view the content alone, in a "Solo Viewing" and they may look out for things like: the plot- characters etc., key shots to make sure nothing is too revealing and drug use, sex scenes, foul language etc.

3) Read this BBFC outline of the issues faced when classifying a film. Summarise the debate in 50 words.

The BBFC outline that some of the issues are is the film: is in conflict with the law; if it is broken in the film, if the age rating can harm anyone concerned; moral harm. Use of bad language, the content; sex etc. also the overall tone of the work a well as the themes.

4) Read this BBFC section on controversial decisions. Why did The Dark Knight generate a large amount of media coverage regarding its certificate? Do you agree with the 12A certificate The Dark Knight was awarded?

Some controversial BBFC decisions made were: The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Lolita (1997), Baise Moi (2000) and most famously, The Dark Knight, which recieved a controversial 12A rating.

5) What are the guidelines for a 15 certificate?

The guidelines for a 15 rated film are:
  • Discrimination,Drugs"Imitable Behaviour"- suicide related themes,Language,Nudity,Sex,Threat,Violence-shouldn't dwell on pain

6) The BBFC website offers an explanation of every classification it makes and detailed case studies on selected titles. Look at the rating for Chicken and explain why it was given a 15 certificate.
Chicken may have received a 15 rating due to: the alcohol/drug use, sexual references portrayed, the overall tine, violence as Richard gets beat up and discrimination in what they were able to do.


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