Film Poster Research
Film poster conventions
Do some generic research on film posters.
1) List the key conventions of a film poster.
Release Date
Film Reviews
Media Institution
Production Credits
Age Rating
Main Image
Iconic Aspect of Film
2) What makes a film poster instantly recognisable?
The use of the main image makes a film poster intrigue the viewer to wanting to view the poster and therefore entice the reader enough to watch the trailer to see what it is all about.
3) What are regarded as some of the best film posters of all time? Why?

4) Look back at your statement of intent. What are you planning to produce in terms of your film posters? Can you take inspiration from your research above?
I would like to produce a film poster that meets the brief as well as meets my personal desires such as incorporating the use of ethnic backgrounds within the poster as well personally would like to use a range of shots to be used to show the issues he faces in his general life from having issues with a girl to issues he faces with bullies and school struggles. I want to use some of the aspects of Titanic and the use of two images into one film poster.
Film poster research - genre
Go back to the five film trailers you researched in your chosen genre (and additional films if you wish). For each film, find at least three different film posters for the film and analyse the following:

1) What conventions are the same on each poster for the same film (i.e. the film's consistent branding)?
For submarine they have used the same picture and main star across all 3 but have worked it in different ways to show consistency throughout all 3 film posters and therefore people when they see the use of actor and colour scheme it is clear that it is associated with submarine due to the clear use of colour schemes even though the 3 are different in each way. For example the main image and colour scheme is the same.
2) What differences can your find between the alternative posters for the same film?
For moonlight the use of having 3 main images and splitting it up creates a great concept of ageing and time as it shows the gradual change over time and therefore creates a concept where it is clear that there is change and clearly addresses the idea of time evolving as well as the the differences in how the actor changes. In the final poster the use of of having the scenery and location being that environment projects an idea of re-birth, and provides connotations of moving on and expanding.
3) What target audience do you think each poster is targeting and why? How can you tell?
For the movie The edge of Seventeen this clearly addresses to the viewer as well as how presents to the viewer how good the movie poster is as it clearly shows that this is aimed at teenagers as this use of having only one main image and her dressing quite young and much like a teenager provides a idea of this is aimed at audiences that are of a similar age and audience.
4) What can you use from these posters in your own film poster planning and production?
The use of different images can be used to target either genre, also the typography has to be the same throughout to maintain recognition for the film. As shown by titanic and then jaws the use of having more than one image in a poster creates a dynamic that will interest more than one target audience group and member.
1) Create a spider diagram or bullet point list of everything you plan to include in your film posters AND all the ways you could target the three target audience segments outlined in the brief: fans of the genre, males, females. Make sure you also create a local film festival in order to meet this aspect of the brief.
The Main Actor
Phone Call from Girl
Weapons used by bullies
School Environment
I plan to meet the brief as the use of having a school environment clearly projects a concept of coming of age due to the age of the main actor and the environment he currently is in and therefore Fans of the genre which will quickly identify along with this and therefore understand that this movie is of this genre. As well as the use of the other issues being shown in the poster such as the phone call and weapons addresses the idea of issues and problems he may face.
I plan for males to clearly identify with the main actor as he is a male going through high school which most my audience may have completed or are completing currently and by him being of ethnic background more of the audience will identify with him and understand what he is going with which will intrigue them and therefore want to watch the film.
Finally for Females i hope the use of the phone call and the school environment will still intrigue them to watch this film as they want to understand the meaning of who the phone call is from and the meaning behind as well as they should to an extent be able to identify to some aspects of the main actors life and therefore create a better experience and therefore intrigue them as well.
1) Which of your characters will appear on each poster? If the characters will be the same on each poster, how will you differentiate the images?
The main actor
A shot of the female but not clearly her face
And potentially the teacher.
The posters will be different as each pic will have a different meaning behind or problem and therefore create a sense of confusion and excitement to find out the meaning behind it.
2) What images do you need for each film poster? Write a detailed description.
For one image I would like a low angle long shot of the main actor walking in towards school with his back faced to the camera and therefore make the school seem very daunting. Another shot would be one of the school from a low angle establishing shot and therefore create an aspect of fear that the school provides. another shot would be of the girl but her face not shown as it is an over the shoulder shot which would create a sense of confusion as well make viewers intrigued to find out who she is.
3) Write a shot list for the photo shoot(s). Make sure you plan a variety of camera shots you will look to capture (medium shots, close-ups etc.) to give yourself flexibility when designing the posters in Photoshop later. Will the photo shoot be out on location or in school with the white backdrop and lighting?
Long shot low angle of the main actor walking into school
Over the shoulder medium shot of the girl in the movie on the white background
Close up of the phone ringing and a baseball bat on the white background.4) What costume, props or make-up will you require for the photo shoot(s)?
Not many requirements will be needed besides the baseball bat and the phone as these two props will provide connations that viewers will understand and question the reasoning for them being used in this film.
Do some generic research on film posters.
1) List the key conventions of a film poster.
Release Date
Film Reviews
Media Institution
Production Credits
Age Rating
Main Image
Iconic Aspect of Film
2) What makes a film poster instantly recognisable?
The use of the main image makes a film poster intrigue the viewer to wanting to view the poster and therefore entice the reader enough to watch the trailer to see what it is all about.
3) What are regarded as some of the best film posters of all time? Why?

4) Look back at your statement of intent. What are you planning to produce in terms of your film posters? Can you take inspiration from your research above?
I would like to produce a film poster that meets the brief as well as meets my personal desires such as incorporating the use of ethnic backgrounds within the poster as well personally would like to use a range of shots to be used to show the issues he faces in his general life from having issues with a girl to issues he faces with bullies and school struggles. I want to use some of the aspects of Titanic and the use of two images into one film poster.
Film poster research - genre
Go back to the five film trailers you researched in your chosen genre (and additional films if you wish). For each film, find at least three different film posters for the film and analyse the following:

1) What conventions are the same on each poster for the same film (i.e. the film's consistent branding)?
For submarine they have used the same picture and main star across all 3 but have worked it in different ways to show consistency throughout all 3 film posters and therefore people when they see the use of actor and colour scheme it is clear that it is associated with submarine due to the clear use of colour schemes even though the 3 are different in each way. For example the main image and colour scheme is the same.
2) What differences can your find between the alternative posters for the same film?
For moonlight the use of having 3 main images and splitting it up creates a great concept of ageing and time as it shows the gradual change over time and therefore creates a concept where it is clear that there is change and clearly addresses the idea of time evolving as well as the the differences in how the actor changes. In the final poster the use of of having the scenery and location being that environment projects an idea of re-birth, and provides connotations of moving on and expanding.
3) What target audience do you think each poster is targeting and why? How can you tell?
For the movie The edge of Seventeen this clearly addresses to the viewer as well as how presents to the viewer how good the movie poster is as it clearly shows that this is aimed at teenagers as this use of having only one main image and her dressing quite young and much like a teenager provides a idea of this is aimed at audiences that are of a similar age and audience.
4) What can you use from these posters in your own film poster planning and production?
The use of different images can be used to target either genre, also the typography has to be the same throughout to maintain recognition for the film. As shown by titanic and then jaws the use of having more than one image in a poster creates a dynamic that will interest more than one target audience group and member.
1) Create a spider diagram or bullet point list of everything you plan to include in your film posters AND all the ways you could target the three target audience segments outlined in the brief: fans of the genre, males, females. Make sure you also create a local film festival in order to meet this aspect of the brief.
The Main Actor
Phone Call from Girl
Weapons used by bullies
School Environment
I plan to meet the brief as the use of having a school environment clearly projects a concept of coming of age due to the age of the main actor and the environment he currently is in and therefore Fans of the genre which will quickly identify along with this and therefore understand that this movie is of this genre. As well as the use of the other issues being shown in the poster such as the phone call and weapons addresses the idea of issues and problems he may face.
I plan for males to clearly identify with the main actor as he is a male going through high school which most my audience may have completed or are completing currently and by him being of ethnic background more of the audience will identify with him and understand what he is going with which will intrigue them and therefore want to watch the film.
Finally for Females i hope the use of the phone call and the school environment will still intrigue them to watch this film as they want to understand the meaning of who the phone call is from and the meaning behind as well as they should to an extent be able to identify to some aspects of the main actors life and therefore create a better experience and therefore intrigue them as well.
1) Which of your characters will appear on each poster? If the characters will be the same on each poster, how will you differentiate the images?
The main actor
A shot of the female but not clearly her face
And potentially the teacher.
The posters will be different as each pic will have a different meaning behind or problem and therefore create a sense of confusion and excitement to find out the meaning behind it.
2) What images do you need for each film poster? Write a detailed description.
For one image I would like a low angle long shot of the main actor walking in towards school with his back faced to the camera and therefore make the school seem very daunting. Another shot would be one of the school from a low angle establishing shot and therefore create an aspect of fear that the school provides. another shot would be of the girl but her face not shown as it is an over the shoulder shot which would create a sense of confusion as well make viewers intrigued to find out who she is.
3) Write a shot list for the photo shoot(s). Make sure you plan a variety of camera shots you will look to capture (medium shots, close-ups etc.) to give yourself flexibility when designing the posters in Photoshop later. Will the photo shoot be out on location or in school with the white backdrop and lighting?
Long shot low angle of the main actor walking into school
Over the shoulder medium shot of the girl in the movie on the white background
Close up of the phone ringing and a baseball bat on the white background.4) What costume, props or make-up will you require for the photo shoot(s)?
Not many requirements will be needed besides the baseball bat and the phone as these two props will provide connations that viewers will understand and question the reasoning for them being used in this film.
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