Sound Analysis
Funny Games (2001) 1. What is the director saying about the family from the choice of music played? The use of music played at the start of the video is that they are of an upper higher class due to them listening to classical music which is categorised as being of a higher class audience. On top of that the use of having the family dressed in quite expensive looking clothes while listening to that music creates a sense of them being wealthy and posh. 2. How would you describe this use of music? The very few first scenes start off as being diegetic and parallel as the music fits the appropriate scene and mis-en-scene shown. Originally the music is used as background music until the dialogue between the characters is audible as they now begin talking about the song as they try and guess what song it is and by doing this we continue to get the idea that they are upper class family that are also quite wealthy. Suddenly the music becomes non-diegetic and contrapuntal...